A Bright New Day is Dawning in the USA

January 20th, 2021

A bright new day is dawning in the United States of America after four years without governance. Today, the Biden/Harris team steps up and the Trump/Pence team steps down. That means today marks the return to civility, decency, honesty, fairness, accountability, diplomacy, reason, science and reality. Gone are the lies, dysfunction, delusion, self-adulation, insults, spite, nepotism, name-calling and cronyism. Carpe Diem! Let’s all help to put America back together again.


A bright new day is dawning in the USA. Photo © M.T. 2019. www.walled-in-berlin.com

A bright new day is dawning in the USA. Photo © M.T. 2019. www.walled-in-berlin.com


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.

The Rutabaga Winter During World War I

January 18th, 2021

The Rutabaga Winter (Kohlruebenwinter in German) of 1916/1917 was something that German WWI survivors never forgot for the rest of their lives. I was born after WWII and still remember my father vehemently refusing to eat carrots because they reminded him of rutabagas. I have never attempted to prepare this cousin of broccoli for dinner, but reading about the Rutabaga Winter is making me curious. I just might give this humble root vegetable a try after all.

What is a Rutabaga?

Known as Swede or rutabaga in North America, its scientific name is Brassica napus napobrassica. https://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/106302/#b. It is part of the cruciferous family of vegetables and supposedly a cross between a cabbage and a turnip. With its purple top and beige bottom, the rutabaga does not look particularly tempting, although it is not without some health benefits. Just one cup meetsalf our daily vitamin C requirement.


The rutabaga winter (Kohlruebenwinter) of 1916/1917 was one of the most difficult periods for the German civilian population during WWI. www.walled-in-berlin.com

The rutabaga winter (Kohlruebenwinter) of 1916/1917 was one of the most difficult periods for the German civilian population during WWI. www.walled-in-berlin.com


Why the Rutabaga Winter of 1916-1917?

Since the summer of 1914, Germany had waged a two-front war with France and Britain in the West and Russia in the East. Then, in Fall of 1916, fierce autumn storms and ceaseless rains led to a dismal potato and wheat harvest. Much of the produce rotted in the ground. Germany desperately tried to import these foods. But the British navy thwarted all efforts by blockading the North Sea approaches. For Germany’s civilian population, the continuous Sea blockade meant a constant threat of starvation. Malnourishment and illness claimed thousands of lives. Eighty thousand children died of starvation. The winter of 1916–1917, which became known as the “Rutabaga Winter” (Kohlruebenwinter), was one of the most difficult periods for the German civilian population during WWI.

What Made the Germans Turn to Rutabagas?

By February 1917, the potato and wheat supplies had run dry. Luckily, 80 million tons of rutabagas had survived the winter in storerooms. Now, the humble vegetable had to jump to the rescue. To overcome the population’s image of the rutabaga as animal fodder, the war ministry’ propaganda machine touted it as  “Prussian Pineapple.” Suddenly, recipes for rutabaga jam, cake, bread, casseroles, soups, beer and coffee appeared. People had rutabaga soup for breakfast, rutabaga “steak” for lunch and rutabaga cake for dinner. To make it easier to digest, the war ministry advocated chewing 30 bites for 30 minutes (about 2,500 times). Decades later, most Germans still could not stand the sight of rutabagas because of their association with hardship and misery.


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.


What Integrity is and what it is not

January 4th, 2021

Integrity was sorely missing from Donald Trump’s bid for reelection. His consistent lies about most anything made me revisit the meaning of the word. Below are two quotes relative to what integrity is and what it is not. The first is a simple definition of the word, the second was the essence of the Trump campaign.


Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain. www.walled-in-berlin.com

Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain. www.walled-in-berlin.com


What Integrity is

Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain.


What Interity is not

Integrity DOES NOT involve feeding people’s egos in an attempt to manipulate them into getting something you want. Integrity is not being nice with the expectation of reward. Integrity is not preying on people’s weaknesses to meet your own needs. Integrity is not making promises you cannot keep. Integrity is not withholding key information until you have won someone over by fueling their desires. Integrity is not waiting until they’ve signed on the dotted line to reveal the fine print or legally manipulative part of the contract.

What those things encompass can be described quite simply as inauthentic, offensive, and manipulative.

— Zero Dean


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.



The Secret of Being a Santa

December 14th, 2020


By age 6 or 7 at the latest, most kids have figured out that there is no Santa. That’s unfortunate because there is so much magic in imagining Santa coming down from the north pole led by Rudolph and his team of eight reindeer. Let me share a story with you that keeps the magic of Santa alive. The tale goes like this:

When 7-year old Tyler began to suspect that there was no Santa, his Dad took him out “for coffee” at Starbucks. Dad had never taken him to Starbucks before. It was a place for grown-ups. The trip to the coffee shop made Tyler feel rather special. They got a booth and Dad ordered two hot chocolates. Then he said to Tyler, “You sure have grown an awful lot this year. Not only are you so much taller, but you are so much more mature. I think you are ready to become a Santa.”

Tyler’s ears perked up, and he sheepishly looked at his Dad.

“You probably have noticed,” Dad continued, “that most of the Santas you see are people dressed up like him. Some of your friends might have even told you that there is no Santa. A lot of children think that because they aren’t ready to BE a Santa yet, but I think YOU ARE. I think you are ready to do your first job as a Santa!”

Tyler beamed with pride.

“Here is what a takes to be a Santa,” said Dad. “First, you have to think of someone you know. Then you have to find out secretly what that person needs. Then you get the present, wrap it up and deliver it without ever letting the person know where the gift came from. That’s what being Santa is all about. It’s not about getting credit. It’s about unselfish giving. Do you think you can do that?”

Of course, Tyler thought he could do that. He could be a Santa. He was getting all excited. After some thought, he chose the old lady down the street. She had a fence around her house and would never let the kids go in to get any stray balls or frisbees. Often, when Dad drove him to school in the morning, the old lady came out of the house to get the paper. Tyler had noticed that she didn’t wear shoes. So, he decided she needed slippers.

“Good,” said his Dad, “Now we know what she needs. But we also need to know how big her feet are so that we can figure out what size shoes she wears.”

The following Saturday, Tyler and his Dad hid in the bushes across the street and watched the old lady come out to get her paper. They decided she was a medium, drove to Kmart and bought a pair of warm slippers. Then Tyler wrapped them up and tagged them,” Merry Christmas from Santa.” After dinner, he slipped down to her house and slid the package under the old lady’s driveway gate.

Next morning, Tyler and his Dad watched as the old lady got the paper, picked up the present and went inside. Tyler couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. The next morning, as they drove by her house on the way to school, they saw the old lady getting her paper and WEARING THE SLIPPERS. Tyler was ecstatic. He had just become a Santa!


The secret of being a Santa. How to tell children that the magic in Christmas is not in receiving but in giving. www.walled-in-berlin.com

The secret of being a Santa. How to tell children that the magic in Christmas is not in receiving but in giving. www.walled-in-berlin.com


Over the next few years, Tyler chose a good number of recipients, always coming up with unique presents for each for them. And he never felt that he had been lied to because he had been let in on the secret of being a Santa.


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.



Losers Live in the Past

December 7th, 2020

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.

Dennis Waitley

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future. Image attributed to Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay. www.walled.in.berlin.com

Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future. Image attributed to Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay. www.walled.in.berlin.com


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.


Data-Based Universal Basic Income Study in Germany

November 16th, 2020

The Universal Basic Income concept advocates providing every citizen with a fixed monthly income, no strings attached. The current widespread job losses in many countries due to the coronavirus pandemic have led to renewed interest in the idea. Universal Basic Income payments are intended to be sufficient to cover  basic physical needs and participation in social life.

For the duration of the study, 120 German citizens will receive a monthly income of €1,200 (approximately $1,420). Payments will start in spring 2021 and continue for three years. https://www.dw.com/en/basic-income-germany-tax-free/a-54700872.

Purpose of Germany’s Data-Based Long-Term Study

Since current debates on the merit of an unconditional income have been limited to personal opinions rather than empirically data, Germany’s study wants to flush out fact-based findings. The study is a joint project of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and Mein Grundeinkommen (My Basic Income), a Berlin based non-profit organization. Researchers from the University of Cologne and the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods are also participating.

The study is financed entirely by private crowdfunding and does not rely on any state funding. Researchers want to discover what effects Universal Basic Income might have on the labor market. They hope to find answers to the following questions: Will recipients spend or save the money? Will they quit their jobs? Will they switch to working part-time rather than full-time? Will they pursue additional education? Will they start their own business because of added financial security? Will they spend more time volunteering or being with family? How will an unconditional income affect their financial and mental well-being?

Experimental Design of Germany’s Universal Basic Income Study

1,500 subjects will be recruited. Of those participants, 120 will be randomly selected to receive €1,200 per month for three years. The remaining 1,380 participants will serve as a comparison group to ensure that changes observed are, in fact, due to the basic income received. The amount participants will receive was determined with reference to the German poverty line. It will be slightly above the poverty line. In order to form the most diverse group of participants possible, Germany’s Universal Basic Income study plans to recruit up to a million people.

The first phase of the study, the selection process, began in mid-August 2020. Anyone who is a permanent resident of Germany and at least 18 years of age is eligible to participate. Applicants must complete a basic online questionnaire, including some questions relative to their overall life situation  (educational attainment, net income, and any social benefits received). Over the course of the study, each participant will be asked to complete six online questionnaires that include questions about employment, time use, consumer behavior, values, ​​and health.

For the duration of the study, 120 German citizens will receive a monthly income of €1,200 (approximately $1,420). Payments will start in spring 2021 and continue for three years. Photo credit: Nikolay Frolochkim, Pixabay. www.walled.in.berlin.com

For the duration of the study, 120 German citizens will receive a monthly income of €1,200 (approximately $1,420). Payments will start in spring 2021 and continue for three years. Photo credit: Nikolay Frolochkim, Pixabay. www.walled.in.berlin.com

Invitation to Conduct More Universal Basic Income Studies

In the recent past, a number of countries conducted unconditional basic income studies. But they tended to focus only on specific population groups. This study will select participants from all walks of life – from the employed to the unemployed and from pensioners to the self-employed. The initiators of the Universal Basic Income study encourage other countries to do their own research and are willing to share their knowledge of how to implement similar projects around the world. The researchers can be contacted at support@mein-grundeinkommen.de.


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.

The Secret of a Happy Marriage: Don’t Argue

November 2nd, 2020

Do you know the secret of a happy marriage? It’s simple. All you need is some yarn and a crochet hook, and you, too, can have a happy marriage. That’s how this old woman stayed happily married to the same man for well over half a century. Read on:

There once was a man and a woman who had been married for more than 60 years. They talked about everything. They kept no secrets from each other… except the old woman had a shoebox in the top of her closet that she cautioned her husband never to open or ask about. For all these years he had never thought about the box, but one day the old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the old man took down the shoebox and took it to his wife’s bedside. She agreed it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found 2 beautifully crocheted doilies and a stack of money totaling over $25,000. He asked her about the unusual contents.


The secret of a happy marriage is some yarn and a crochet hook. It's that simple! Photo © J. Elke Ertle, 2020. www.walled-in-berlin.com

The secret of a happy marriage is some yarn and a crochet hook. It’s that simple! Photo © J. Elke Ertle, 2020. www.walled-in-berlin.com


“When we were married,” she said, ” my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doily.”

The little old man was so moved, he had to fight back tears. Only two precious doilies were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all the years of living and loving. He almost burst with joy and happiness. “Sweetheart,” he said…”that explains the doilies, but what about all this money? Where did it all come from?”

Oh,” she said, ” that’s the money I made from selling the doilies.”


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.



Rake California Great Again!

October 19th, 2020

Should Californians RAKE CALIFORNIA GREAT AGAIN? As of 4 October 2020, more than 4 million acres of California forestland have burned so far this year, more than doubling the previous record. According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, 2020 was California’s worst wildfire season in modern history.  What makes the blazes so frequent and so destructive? Scientists point to four key factors: (1) climate change, (2) downed power lines and ill-considered individual conduct, (3) fire suppression and (4) Santa Ana winds.


Rake California Great Again, but where are the Federal rakers? Photo © J. Elke Ertle, 2020. www.walled-in-berlin.com

Rake California Great Again, but where are the Federal rakers? Photo © J. Elke Ertle, 2020. www.walled-in-berlin.com

President Trump Disagrees with Our Scientists

President Donald Trump disagrees. He is convinced that the majority of California’s wildfires are attributable to a lack of proper raking of the forest floor. “You’ve got to take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important,” Trump noted. He claimed that the Finnish president told him that Finland “spends a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things. And they don’t have any problem. And when they do, it’s a very small problem.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-says-raking-would-help-prevent-forest-fires_n_5bf0d578e4b0f32bd58a1aba

Why isn’t the Federal government raking their Forests located in California?

Since 58% of California’s 33 million acres of forestlands are owned and managed by the Federal government and the State of California owns only 3%, I wonder why Mr. Trump hasn’t sent out Federal workers to rake the federally-owned forests. After all, the Feds own about 20 times as much forestland in California as the State does. If you believe that the crux of the problem lies in the lack of raking, then where are your Federal rakers, Mr. Trump?


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.



Which of the Two Wolves Inside of You do You Feed?

October 5th, 2020


An old Cherokee chief used the Parable of the Two Wolves to teach his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One wolf is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.


Which of the two wolves inside of you do you feed? the evil or the good wolf? Photo credit: Pixabay. www.walled-in-berlin.com

Which of the two wolves inside of you do you feed? the evil or the good wolf? Photo credit:Pixabay. www.walled-in-berlin.com


The other wolf is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

The same kind of fight is going on inside you and every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which of the two wolves will win?”

The old chief simply replied, ‘The one you feed.”

— Author unknown


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.


What about Privilege versus Equality?

September 21st, 2020

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

— from “The Long Shadow”

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Photo courtesy of Pixabay. www.walled-in-berlin.com

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Photo courtesy of Pixabay. www.walled-in-berlin.com


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on my home page and feel free to follow my blog about anything German: historic and current events, people, places and food.

Walled-In is my story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War. Juxtaposing the events that engulfed Berlin during the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin Wall and Kennedy’s Berlin visit with the struggle against my equally insurmountable parental walls, Walled-In is about freedom vs. conformity, conflict vs. harmony, domination vs. submission, loyalty vs. betrayal.