Posts Tagged ‘drag’

Life is like a kite

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

Life is like a kite in many ways. A paper kite must be anchored in order to be able to soar into the sky. In much the same way, our lives must be anchored so that we may enjoy a happy, healthy and productive existence. Let’s take a look at the similarities between the two:

Colorful kites

Colorful kites

Paper kite

A paper kite consists of three parts: the wing (which is the body), the kite line and the anchor. So that our kite may soar high into the sky rather than come crashing down to earth after a tentative roll and pitch, it must be tethered to an anchor system. Tethering is necessary so that tension can develop in the kite line. That tension will convert to lift and drag. Lift is generated when air flows over and under the kite’s surface, producing low pressure above and high pressure below the wing. Drag is generated along the direction of the wind. The kite line must be tied to an anchor, which can be static (pitched into beach sand, turf, or attached to a tree) or dynamic (a person running, a boat, or a car). Kite line and anchors are the two components that keep our paper kite in the air.


Similarly, we need a kite line tethered to an anchor to keep our life from rolling, pitching and crashing. Some people’s lives are tied to spiritual anchors; others are anchored in their family; still others are moored to their work, their achievements, their pets, or their hobbies. Just as the kite line and anchor keep the paper kite in the air, we need an emotional and mental anchor that lets us build resilience and gives us the ability to cope. Just like a well-anchored paper kite will soar beautifully, so will an emotional anchor help us face family tragedies, set backs, disappointments, and peer pressure. No doubt, we will face strong winds at times, and there will be plenty of lift and drag along the way. So, what is your anchor?


For a sneak peek at the first 20+ pages of my memoir, Walled-In: A West Berlin Girl’s Journey to Freedom, click “Download a free excerpt” on the home page of Walled-In is a story of growing up in Berlin during the Cold War.